
Achievements so far

NNPWE through it’s over 14 years’ path it has tried to contribute to the efforts of national and global nations and organizations. Through doing for contribution to the goals set, NNPWE has exhibited the following major changes in its intervention localities;

  • Over 2,000 children born free of HIV
  • Over 1,500 women be engaged on their own IGAs
  • In  collaboration with LIPs 4,806 women participated in VSLA and they started saving
  • 100 youth PLHIV have monthly discussion on life skill, Adherence, ART and positive living
  • Over 27 projects were implemented to benefit over 18 PLHIV associations
  • 5,370 women living with HIV trained on Gender and GBV
  • Train adolescent and youth PLHIV on live skill and conducted dialogue for 10 months.
  • 30 WLHIV got startup capital (31,000 ETB) in Jimma zone (Kersa and Tero Afeta woreda) and they start small business and weekly save some amount of money.
  • Capacity assessment of 16 Women Living with HIV (WLHIV) association was done and based on the finding they were equipped with some office materials like computer, printer, shelf and chair.
  • Through Federal HIV Prevention and Control Office (FHAPCO) and Network of Network of Positive NEP+ our 15 WLHIV association implement treatment adherence project of Global fund.
  • Building the Capacities of 29 HIV positive women associations through trainings for association members (leadership, treatment literacy, gender, economic strengthening etc..), around 24 associations with office materials, 12 with human resource, 15 associations with financial support and all members addressed with technical assistance
  • National and regional level Advocacy workshops and campaigns to promote PMTCT, HIV related stigma and discriminations, violence against women and girls and access for PLHIV youth with quality service was done.
  • Conducted Researches and assessments on different issues of HIV positive women
  • Public awareness rising on HIV related GBV through community education, media spots and publications.
  • Community HIV prevention, care and support, PMTCT, program in over 130Woredas (districts)
  • Economic strengthening program for PLHIV women through VSLA approaches

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